
<aside> 👇 Which Blockchain ...?


BOBOs are prime NFTs and they shall live on ETH Mainnet. They will be ERC 721 Tokens which means that after you buy them, you don't need to make another transaction.

<aside> 👇 What is the mint price?


Bobo NFTs will cost 0.0375 ETH during the 48 hour presale and 0.05 ETH during the public sale.

You have to make sure you have enough ETH for "gas". The gas fee may vary depending on the day or network usage. While there are many parameters, but you should calculate around $40-50 for gas. Unfortunately: This is not something we can control at all. And we do not make any money from the Gas price!

<aside> 👇 How many can I mint?


There will be two different phases.

  1. Pre-Sale:

If you are whitelisted during the pre-sale you can mint only maximum 3. The price for the minting will be slightly lower than the public mint price.

Bobos will cost 0.0375 ETH.

You have 48 hours! Don't rush. Pick a moment, when Gas is low.

All who mint 3 will also qualify for a special airdrop.

  1. Public sale:

You will be able to mint 1 - 3 - 5 - 7 or 9 Bobos per transaction. The public sale price will be 0.05 ETH.

There will be maximum 6.666 Bobos!

<aside> 👇 I minted my Bobo. Now what?
